Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Gift

Do you have a talent, something that you are just naturally good at? If so, that might be your God given talent....your gift. Have you used that gift, or have you kept it to yourself?

I recently had the sad task of attending the funeral of one of my students with special needs. When this young man was born, his parents were given the unfortunate and heartbreaking news that he would not live for long. Maybe only a few years and if he did survive, he would have many medical problems. Well, against all odds, he did live much longer than expected, just shy of his 18th birthday. And oh how he did use his God given gifts!
Despite being much smaller, lighter, and weaker than other kids his own age, this young man managed to bring forth love, joy, laughter, kindness, care and concern to all he came in contact with. At his funeral the church was filled beyond capacity by all those whose lives he had touched and changed for the better. As I sat and joined in the celebration of his life, I came to the conclusion that I indeed want to be more like him. I pray that I can have that kind of impact for good on others.
The funeral was a celebration of a life well lived and as the minister spoke he reminded us that that our gifts are not for self-consumption, they are for self-expression! I thought to myself of how this sweet young boy understood that concept, and at that moment I was reminded that not only was I one of his teachers, but he was also mine.

One way to experience that kind of love is Join The Arc of Katy and get involved!


"The generous soul will be made rich. And he who waters will also be watered himself."
Proverbs 11:25

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